Welcome to the Sentry Home page
NEW: Sentry release 1.1 available !
Sentry is a freeware game project that we started on April 1998. Our goal consists in creating a 90's style PC version of the old classic game The Sentinel from Firebird.
Click here for more information about the game rules.
Sentry is designed to run on a vast range of PCs, from the 486 to the latest Pentium systems. We insist on the fact that Sentry is firstly designed to run on quite "old" machines. It does not need any 3D card at all.
Here are the main technical specs of the game:
Actual screen shots
To dowload Sentry, just click on the link below. Launch then the sentry.exe
program file, provided that DirectX is installed on your PC.
Download the Sentry release 1.1 version for
Win95 (self installing EXE,1.3 Mb).
Download the Sentry release 1.1 version for
Win95 (Zip file,1.14 Mb).
Contacting us
If you have any comments or suggestion, please don't hesitate and send
your e-mails at:
(Main programmer)
lalycom@aol.com (Voices
& SFX)
(Support & advices)
Sentry 1.1 launched.
A long time since the last update. I've modified the game loop in order to make the game really smoother. I've also changed the structure of the SENTRY.INI file so that the game could receive some kind of level skins. I also added 2 new level styles. You can now switch the game to fullscreen mode, and remove the menu bar ("²" key). I've also added a new game option: you can choose if you want the Sentries to rotate smoothly and continuousely, or by fixed steps at regular intervals (like the original version). |
12-15-1999 | Sentry 1.09 launched. Added the RED/GREEN & RED/BLUE stereoscopic modes into the main menu. Changed the introduction music, and fixed some stereoscopic modes. Fixed the screen resolution ratios. |
09-18-1999 | Sentry 1.08 launched. Higher resolutions supported. Stereoscopic colors
put in file SENTRY.INI.
Homepage moved. |
05-16-1999 | Sentry 1.07 launched. Rendering speed improved. New introduction screen. |
Sentry 1.06 launched. Corrects the 1.04 bug. Sorry if you downloaded it. |
Sentry 1.04 launched. Added scrolling with the arrow keys, Map redesigned. |
Sentry 1.03 launched. Possibility to remove the game window stretch, providing drastic speed increase on some systems. If the game is too slow, try this option. |
08-27-1998 | Sentry V1.02 launched, with a bug fixed in the level generation algorithm. (The level 182 previously crashed the game). |
07-22-1998 | Sentry V1.01 launched. New features:
- Top view map of the level (option) - Difficulty levels - Minor bugs fix |
07-01-1998 | Minor bugs fixed. Meanie redesigned.
Launch of Sentry V1.0. |
06-25-1998 | New musics added. Relief mode implemented. Summary of game rules added
to the intro screen. Texture mode selection updated. Modification of the
level presentation screen.
Launch of Sentry beta 5. |
06-13-1998 | Sound system enhanced. 3 possible texture sets, level generation algorithm
revisited. Key configuration screen added. Possibility to remove the in-game
menu icons.
Launch of Sentry beta 4. |
06-06-1998 | Sounds implemented. Level generation algorithm revisited. Some 3D objects
redesigned, such as the robot and the sentry. New screens added. Bugs fixed.
Launch of Sentry beta 3. |
05-27-1998 | Debugged some parts of the game. U-Turn implemented, robots re-designed.
Level presentation screen added. Game configuration saved in SENTRY.INI.
Just begun to add sound effects.
Launch of Sentry beta 2. |
05-23-1998 | Launch of the first beta of the game.
Must implement sound via Direct Sound. |
05-20-1998 | Introduction, Pause, Game Over and Level Over sequences implemented
in their beta form.
Need to add secret passwords to access levels. |
Some bugs fixed. Level encryption and selection implemented. Texture mode implemented. Always need to add sound effects and introduction screen before the first release of the game. |
The Sentry version now includes all the rules of the original game.
Need to add a presentation screen with selection of the level, and sounds. |
The Sentinels, Sentries and Meanies are implemented.
Need to fix some bugs, and to correct the landscape generation algorithm. |
The interface has been set, with the main creation tools: Tree, Blocks,
Need to add the Sentinels and the Sentries. |
The main project is set. Design of a first rush of the 3D objects. |
Last modified on 02-17-2001.